Best Shared Hosting
There are various kinds of shared hosting plans suitable for different websites when it comes to the resources or the shared hosting environment they need. To select the most adequate shared hosting service for your web site, you have to calculate what server-side software it demands, how many visits per day you anticipate at the start and in the long run, as well as any other specific requirements that may need to be covered.
Shared website hosting - Positive Aspects
The best option for small scale online portals with a few hundred or several thousand visitors is a shared hosting plan. With this form of webspace hosting, each client pays only for their account, which decreases the overall cost per person considerably. There are various web hosting accounts varying from one hosting firm to another, providing different quotas of web storage space and monthly traffic, different e-mailbox account quotas and so on. The plus is that you can purchase an account that will offer the resources your web page really needs. You will not need to pay lots of money for a plan you will not make use of, or end up with a small package that cannot accommodate the web site. We, at You Host Web Domain And Hosting Services, offer a large choice of shared hosting accounts suitable for personal or small business websites that even provide pre-installed script-based systems like Joomla, Mambo, Drupal or WordPress - to make things simpler. If you kick off with a basic plan and you demand more resources, moving to a better plan requires just a click of the mouse.
Shared Web Hosting - Negative Sides
A negative aspect of the shared website hosting solution is that the web servers have some software programs installed on them and you cannot install additional software platforms. Some web portals, especially online storefronts, demand software applications to be present on the hosting server for them to work, and with a shared website hosting platform, you can activate only software programs that do not require root access.
Virtual Private Web Hosting Servers and Dedicated Servers
For web portals that need complete server root access, or if your web portal has many 1000's or even 1 000 000's of daily hits, what you require is a virtual private servers or a dedicated server. A virtual web hosting server is a software emulation of a dedicated solution and it functions in exactly the same manner.
Virtual Servers
Both environments generally come with full server root access and can be restarted through a software platform by the user, autonomously from the web hosting supplier. Analogous to the shared web hosting packages, the virtual private servers and the dedicated web hosting server plans have different specs depending on what the hosting vendor offers. A virtual server hosting account contains guaranteed hard disk storage, RAM and CPU quotas that can occasionally be enlarged for brief spells of time on condition that there are available system resources on the physical server. With a dedicated web server, the only limitation is the hardware architecture it is availing of, and it can be revamped by changing or adding components. A virtual server is simpler to cope with as it ships with a virtualization software platform, which can be used to restart it, to install software applications, monitor statistics, etc. The administration of a dedicated server is more complicated, so such a package would rather be utilized by practiced customers.
Dedicated Servers
Still, certain hosts offer managed dedicated web hosting solutions where they execute dedicated server management assignments on behalf of the client. This can be a part of package or an extra option.
Prior To Opting...
Choosing the top hosting package is vital as it can have an effect on the proper work of a website. Prior to choosing an account, compare the pros and cons, check carefully all the preconditions for the web portal to perform properly, particularly if it is script-driven. And if you are still not sure which is the best shared hosting service for you, check with our live chat operators or give us a call - our sales representatives will be glad to help you and answer all your questions.
You Start Plan | You-Host Biz | You-Host Unlimited | You Host ProX |
Unlimited storage | Unlimited storage | Unlimited storage | Unlimited storage |
Unlimited bandwidth | Unlimited bandwidth | Unlimited bandwidth | Unlimited bandwidth |
1 website hosted | 5 websites hosted | Unlimited websites hosted | Unlimited websites hosted |
30-Day Free Trial | 30-Day Free Trial | 30-Day Free Trial | 30-Day Free Trial |
$4.42 / month | $6.83 / month | $13.17 / month | $17.50 / month |